Computer Tip: Change Your Password
You should change your password at least once a year, as various forms of malware may have recorded it or you may have been affected by a security breach.Back to Blog

Written by Staff Writer • Posted on Feb 07, 2017
We've discussed creating strong and unique passwords before, but did you know you need to also change your password at least once a year?
Throughout the year, your computer may have encountered various forms of malware- or malicious software- that tracked or recorded your password. You may have also been a victim of a data breach, such as the recent Yahoo! breaches.
Password Tips
- Passwords should be unique and difficult for a stranger to guess. They should have a mix of capital and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols. Aim for 8 to 12 characters in total.
- Don’t use the same password for every account. We suggest one password for your email, one for your online banking, one for social media, and one for everything else.
- Use your password hints to remind yourself of which password you’ve set up.
- You should also ensure your recovery options are up-to-date. If you forget your password, you can use these recovery settings to either answer security questions or have a verification code sent to your phone.
Get Help Now. Ready to change your password or update your recovery settings? Speak with a Technology Advisor at (866) 515-4865 or by chat.