Friday Linkapalooza - October 30, 2015
Start your weekend off right with fun articles and videos collected by your friends at Bask in this week's Friday Linkapalooza. Enjoy!
Happy Friday! Start your weekend off right with fun articles and videos collected by your friends at Bask in this week's Friday Linkapalooza. Enjoy!
The new Galaxy View may have the potential to fill a specific video streaming watching niche.
From zombie selfies to skeleton warfare, here's a look at the best games, apps, and sites for some Halloween fun.
With IBM's purchase of the Weather Company, will the technology giant change the way we predict the weather?
In honor of the recent presidential debates (and Halloween!), here's a look at the posters would look like if your favorite horror movie villain was running for president.
Google has plans to bring the Internet to the 17,000 Indonesian islands through balloons.
The EU parliament has voted to grant asylum to whistle-blower Edward Snowden.
The FDA has approved the first cancer-killing virus.
Are the new mammogram guidelines helpful or hurtful to women?
A sneak peek into New York's first museum dedicated entirely to food.
Love watching video on your phone? T-Mobile is expected to offer unlimited data for specific streaming companies.
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