What to Expect from iPhone 5
Are you thinking about purchasing an iPhone 5? Before you do, take a look at the new features Apple's added to the next evolution of its iPhone line.
As we all know, the iPhone 5 will be released soon. While this is great news for Apple die-hards who always buy on the first day, it's important for the rest of us to know what to expect before we commit to the purchase.
The most hyped feature of iPhone 5 is its new "in-cell" technology. Essentially, this is an integrated touchscreen LCD display that blends the traditional distinction between glass and sensing technology. It will allow for smoother operation, as well as changing up the profile of the phone.
With the use of in-cell tech, the new iPhone is going to be thinner and sleeker than ever before. It also is going to be tougher than its counterparts.
The device will also take advantage of iWallet functionality, as well as take 3D pictures and utilize 3D object recognition as part of its overall suite of abilities.
The iPhone 5 will ship within the next month or so, and those who don't have a preorder may have to hit the pavement to find one on release day.
This will be an exciting tech release that shakes up the market. While some people have been concerned about Apple's ability to innovate in a post-Steve Jobs world, the iPhone 5 is likely to dominate the market by delivering some fresh concepts.