Technology Resolutions for the New Year
This next year will doubtlessly bring with it some serious innovations and progressions in the tech industry, as well as failures, drama, and controversy.
Technology Resolutions for the New Year
Here at Bask, we are very excited about the prospects of a New Year. This next year will doubtlessly bring with it some serious innovations and progressions in the tech industry, as well as failures, drama, and controversy. If it is anything like 2012 has been, it should be a doozy. Since New Years is all about resolutions, we thought we’d give you a list of our own.
- I resolve to rate the Microsoft Surface a solid 4 stars on Amazon in order to help it to feel good about itself.
- I resolve to take no sides when it comes to international drama about “rounded corners”.
- I resolve to not get sucked into E3 coverage that is mostly hype and bad showmanship. Unless the games shown are cool or something.
- I resolve to follow the time honored tradition of not reading the iTunes Terms and Conditions.
- I resolve to keep my day job and not throw everything away in the hope of matching 14 year old app designing prodigies.
- I resolve to resign myself to the fact that the Facebook app for all tablets and phones will simply not ever work effectively.
Well, those are what we have so far. In all seriousness, 2013 is looking good. There is a lot to look forward to and enjoy. We’ll be keeping you updated as we go. Be sure to contact us with any computer issues you might have- we’ll answer. See you next year!