The only thing between the Cloud and your personal information? Your password.
Is your password your birthday? Your mom’s maiden name? Your dog’s name? Change it! Change it now.
The only thing between the Cloud and your personal information? Your password.
Is your password your birthday? Your mom’s maiden name? Your dog’s name? Change it! Change it now.
In today’s world technology has drastically changed the way that we store information and the way that we protect our information. Your most personal information is often stored on cloud technology and you want to make sure that this information is protected by a password that is as strong and secure as you can possibly make it.
This does not mean that you need to create a password that looks like alphabet soup leaked onto your computer screen. But, get creative! Choose a phrase that you love to say and make sure that it is long enough to be secure. Throw in parentheses or an exclamation mark at the end of your phrase and your security level will sky rocket.
When you create your password, try to make it long. Reach the limit of characters that are allowed. This way, it will be as hard as possible to break.
Never, ever, ever, repeat your passwords! Never. Repeating your passwords for multiple accounts makes you much more vulnerable.
We know it is a hassle, but you have to change your passwords consistently. This may seem crazy, but you need to do this. With all of your information just sitting out in cyber space waiting to be stolen, you should be changing your passwords at least twice every year.
Finally, keep backups of the most important documents. Make sure that you have a physical and digital backup of everything that you need. That way, should a tragedy occur and all of your cloud is erased or taken, you will have what you need!