Why You Should Upgrade to Windows 10 Now
Still swatting at those "Get Windows 10" pop-ups? It won't be free forever! If you're a Windows 7 or 8.1 user, here's why you should upgrade to Windows 10 now.
In our Monday post, we shared how to disable the latest "Get Windows 10" pop-up by scheduling your upgrade for a later date. However, this is only a temporary measure. And while you might not want to hear it -- humans hate change -- it's time to come to grips with fact. Change is coming! If you're a Windows 7 or 8.1 user, you can save yourself money (and heartache) by upgrading to Windows 10 now.
Why the Change of Heart?
If you've read our previous coverage of Windows 10, you know that we disapprove of Microsoft's pushy tactics. It seems unfair to nag and trick your users into adopting a software they might not want. That's why we alert our members with up-to-date information, so they can decide for themselves when or whether to upgrade.
It's not that Windows 10 is bad software. In fact, it's a stable and well-designed operating system, one which combines the familiarity of Windows 7 with the new features and security of Windows 8. Some call it the "best of both worlds," and we're inclined to agree.
We simply object to the way this upgrade is being pushed on consumers. After all, our team receives dozens of calls every day from people who wake up to find that their computers changed overnight. They feel angry, confused, upset, and in many cases, like they've lost something that they valued.
Here at Bask, we hate seeing our members feel this way. So we sat down to figure out how we could help.
Embracing the Wind(ow)s of Change
There are several reasons why we recommend Windows 10 as a great operating system for our members. Our Technology Advisors can explain in detail, but here are the highlights.
- 10 can boot up faster, even on older hardware. We have many members who worry that their computers are too old to run a new operating system. However, Windows 10 is designed to be efficient and easy to run. Many machines have seen faster reboots, even on older models.
- Get the latest & greatest security updates. The biggest risk you run with older versions of Windows is outdated security. Microsoft stopped supporting Windows XP in 2014, which means users no longer receive security patches. This leaves your computer vulnerable to online attacks and other bugs. Microsoft has already ended mainstream support for Windows 7, and extended support only has a year or two left. If you upgrade to Windows 10 now, your computer will be better protected by ongoing security updates.
- 10 has a familiar interface. It brings back the beloved Start menu that was missing from Win8. Rather than trying to shoehorn a tablet interface onto a computer screen, Microsoft went back to basics to design its new OS. Windows 10 will look and feel familiar to longtime users, but it also includes the best new features from Windows 8.
- It's free... for now. For a one-year period, Microsoft is offering its newest OS to current Windows users for free. This mirrors the model Apple has used for years. But, come July 29th 2016, Windows 10 will no longer be free. Instead, upgrading will set you back $120 (Home version) or $199 (Pro version). If you want to upgrade at all, it's best to do it now.
Introducing the Windows 10 Walkthrough
We know this is a big change for many of our members. Roughly one-third of our members have upgraded, but we expect that this latest push by Microsoft will cause that number to rise rapidly. If your computer has already upgraded, or you're finally ready to take the plunge, we have a special offer for you.
Introducing the Windows 10 walkthrough. It's a one-on-one conversation with a friendly Technology Advisor, where we can address any questions or concerns you have. We'll give you an introduction to Windows 10, explain what's changed, and show you how to get the most from it. If you're worried about software compatibility or data migration, we're happy to handle that too! Our goal is to make the transition as easy and pain-free as possible, so you feel comfortable and confident with your computer again.
Our Windows 10 walkthrough is only $50 for a limited time. (If you are a Platinum member, it's free!) For more information, or to schedule your walkthrough, give us a call today at 1 (800) 640-0644.
Have questions about your operating system? Worried about the Windows 10 upgrade? Call us today for a free question & answer session, or schedule one here: Speak with a Bask Technology Advisor