What laptop upgrades are most worth adding on?
It can be easy to think that you will never be able to have a great computer, because you do not have enough money. Fortunately, there are ways that you can improve your computer substantially for under $100! Seriously. With these tips you may be able to improve the way that your computer functions. Saving […]Back to Blog

Written by Staff Writer • Posted on Aug 03, 2012
It can be easy to think that you will never be able to have a great computer, because you do not have enough money. Fortunately, there are ways that you can improve your computer substantially for under $100! Seriously. With these tips you may be able to improve the way that your computer functions. Saving you time and money on a new system, these tips are well worth remembering!
- If you are still using a 7,200 rpm or 5,400 rpm drive, get that dinosaur out of your computer! It is eating up your precious time. Purchase and install an SSD (Solid State Drive). Coming in under $100, you will notice a dramatic improvement in the way that your computer runs.
- Adding more RAM to your computer will ensure that your computer can spend less time writing to the Windows paging file on your hard drive. Coming in at a whopping $40, at the most, this is a great investment!
- Purchase an external monitor that you can attach to your computer. There are even portable monitors that you can purchase. The extra desktop space is a great way to improve the work that you are able to do from your computer at home.
- Improve your Wi-Fi range with a 802.11n Wi-Fi Dongle. It simply plugs into a USB port, and the cost is under $20.
- If your laptop powers down as soon as it is unplugged from the wayll, you are missing the whole point of owning a laptop. Get an external battery, you will be able to extend your battery life or simply give your computer battery life.
Don’t give up on Ol’ Bessie yet. Your laptop may have some good days left in her yet!
photo credit: brianjmatis via photo pincc