What To Do With Your Old Tech
Now that the holidays are over, it’s time to get rid of your old tech to make room for the new.
The holidays are over. Leftovers are in the fridge waiting to be eaten. Decorations have been taken down and stored away for next year. And all the new tech gifts you received are up and running. But what do you do with the devices that you’re not using anymore? Here are three ways to get rid of your unused devices.
1. Sell It
As long as your old devices are still working and in good condition, you can sell them easily. Sites like CraigsList, eBay, and Facebook Marketplace allow you to sell your devices directly to other people.
If you don’t want to deal with the hassle of finding a buyer yourself, you can sell your old devices to companies like Gazelle. Gazelle buys and sells used electronic devices. Their online assessment will calculate an offer for your device. Shipping is free and you can choose to be paid via check, PayPal, or Amazon Gift Card.
2. Donate It
If you’re not interesting in selling your devices, you may want to consider donating them. DonatetTechnology.com helps you find nonprofit organizations in your area that are in need of equipment. You can also choose to give your old tech to local thrift shops.
Note: There may be specific requirements for donating technology. If your devices are too old or not in good enough condition organizations may not be able to accept them.
3. Recycle It
Best Buy, Staples, and Office Max/Office Depot have recycling programs for old technology. They recycle most items for free, but there are some limitations on what they will accept. For larger items, like TVs or kitchen appliances, some stores even offer to pick them up from your house (fees may apply).
Before selling, donating, or recycling your old devices, you’ll need to transfer all your files, photos, and personal information to your new device. Be sure to delete all the data from the device once the transfer is complete. If you need help with this process, don’t hesitate to call or chat with one of our friendly Tech Advisors.